Transforming Your Print Environment: Beyond Microsoft Universal Print

In the modern workplace, streamlining operational efficiency is paramount. One emerging trend involves the move to eliminate print servers and adopt cloud-based printing solutions. As organizations strive to reduce IT overhead, driverless printing solutions are gaining momentum. Enter, Microsoft Universal Print.

Understanding Microsoft Universal Print

Microsoft Universal Print provides a cloud-based service that simplifies printing operations by removing the need for traditional print servers. Its driverless printing technology allows devices to print seamlessly without needing locally installed drivers, making it an attractive solution for businesses operating in a remote or hybrid work environment.

Limitations of Microsoft Universal Print

While Microsoft Universal Print offers several advantages, it does come with certain limitations. Here are a few key features that it lacks:

  • Advanced print job controls
  • Comprehensive usage reporting
  • Enhanced security options
  • Efficient printer fleet management

Celiveo 365: Enhancing What Universal Print Misses

Read more about driverless printing here.

Although Universal Print provides a solid foundation, organizations often require more advanced features to address specific business needs. This is where Celiveo 365 SaaS steps in. By complementing Microsoft Universal Print, Celiveo 365 adds functionalities that are not available natively within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Advanced Features and Simplified Printer Fleet Management

Celiveo 365 offers numerous benefits that extend the capabilities of Universal Print:

  • Enhanced security measures to protect sensitive data
  • Detailed reporting and analytics for better decision-making
  • Advanced print job management controls
  • Simplified onboarding and management of printer fleets

Ease of Use and Implementation

One of the standout features of Celiveo 365 is its ease of use and integration with Microsoft Universal Print. The SaaS solution is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring a smooth transition for IT administrators and end-users alike. By combining the foundational strengths of Universal Print with the advanced features of Celiveo 365, businesses can achieve a more efficient and secure print environment.


For organizations looking to eliminate print servers and deploy driverless printing solutions, Microsoft Universal Print offers a compelling starting point. However, to truly maximize the potential of your print environment, integrating Celiveo 365 is essential. By addressing the gaps in Universal Print and providing advanced features, Celiveo 365 ensures an optimized and secure printing experience.

Explore more about how Celiveo 365 can enhance your Microsoft Universal Print setup by visiting our comprehensive article: Celiveo 365 for Microsoft Universal Print: Eliminate Print Servers.

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